Rosacea Awareness Month

Red Alert: Celebrating Rosacea Awareness Month Like a Boss!

Rebecca Risk
Rosacea Awareness Month is here, and it's time to shed some light on this red-hot topic! Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that affects millions of people. But fear not, my dear readers, because with a healthy lifestyle, diet, and some supplements, you can manage Rosacea like a boss. So, stock up on leafy greens, ditch the spicy tacos, and get ready to say goodbye to redness and hello to a glowing complexion. And remember, be kind to those with red faces - they may just have Rosacea!

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Functional Neurological Disorder (FND)

FND - When Your Brain Needs a Reboot!

Rebecca Risk
It's important to show support and understanding for those with FND, as it can be a challenging and often misunderstood condition. By promoting healthy brain habits and raising awareness about FND, we can help reduce stigma and improve access to effective treatments for those who need it. Thank you for helping to spread awareness about this important issue!

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Autism & Healthy Lifestyle

Autism & Healthy Lifestyle: A Guide (with a Side of Humor)

Rebecca Risk
In honor of World Autism Month, it's important to consider the relationship between autism and a healthy lifestyle. While there's no one-size-fits-all approach, a balanced diet and appropriate supplements can be beneficial. But let's be real - getting a picky eater with autism to try new foods or take supplements can be like herding cats or giving a dog a pill. Overall, let's celebrate the strengths and talents of individuals on the spectrum while promoting healthy choices. Cheers to World Autism Month!

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